You will look 100 years old: just one mistake leads to the appearance of deep wrinkles

Photo: from open sources

If you change just one thing, your facial skin will stay youthful longer.

Of course, with age, wrinkles appear on everyone’s face. However, it happens that deep skin imperfections can be seen at a very young age, when they should not yet be there. Why is this happening? Cosmetologists say that deep wrinkles are formed due to an important mistake: an incorrectly selected pillow and sleeping position.

As experts explain, if you are used to sleeping on your side, then this body position leads to stagnation of lymphatic fluid, which causes the appearance of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial area, forehead, upper eyelids, and can also lead to breakages in the décolleté area. Although the greatest harm to our health is still caused by sleeping on our stomach.

If you want to keep your facial skin youthful longer and delay the time when deep wrinkles appear on it, it is better to accustom yourself to sleep on your back.

It is important to choose the right pillow. It should be only 8-10 cm tall. And if you have a soft mattress, then you can take it a little higher.

It is also important that the edge of the pillow follows the curve of the neck. It is best if it is the so-called anatomical option, which “remembers” all the curves of your body and does not lose shape during sleep.

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