Why violets don’t bloom: secrets of care, how to feed the plant

Photo: from open sources

Reasons why violets don’t bloom, what to feed Saintpaulias to make them bloom

Violets are one of the most popular house flowers that decorate almost every windowsill. In general, they are not at all difficult to care for. But sometimes the violet refuses to bloom.

In order for the violet to bloom again, you need to know the basic rules of flower care and follow them.

How to care for a violet so that it blooms

  • Lack of light is one of the main reasons that violets do not bloom. Insufficient lighting will be indicated by its leaves, which will begin to stretch upward. Violets do not like direct sunlight; they feel better on the western or eastern side of the room. Almost all varieties of violets begin to bloom when there is at least 12 hours of daylight.
  • Comfortable temperature for violets is 22-24 degrees.
  • During the heating season, violet needs air humidification.
  • Violets do not like stagnant moisture; light soil that allows air and water to pass through is suitable for it. There must be drainage in the soil.
  • Water for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature. Water can be poured from above or into the tray. It is optimal to water the violet twice a week.
  • The peculiarity of the violet is that it loves close quarters – it needs a small pot.

If you have provided the violet with all the necessary conditions, but it still does not bloom, most likely the flower needs to be fed.

How to feed a violet to make it bloom

Experienced flower growers advise using natural fertilizer for violets.

  1. You can feed it with coffee grounds. It will increase acidity and improve soil structure. The ground will be loose. You need to add a mixture of grounds and soil, but under no circumstances water the grounds.
  2. Yeast and sugar are fed to the plant to build up the root system and flower. In summer they feed several times a month, in winter – once a month.
  3. Wood ash. This is a good phosphorus-potassium fertilizer that deoxidizes the soil and repels pests. To prepare the fertilizer, dilute one table. spoon of ash in 1 liter of water, leave for several hours. Stir the solution so that there is no sediment and water the Saintpaulia once every two weeks.
  4. An iodine solution also stimulates violet flowering, but care must be taken not to burn the plant. To prepare the solution, dissolve a drop of iodine in 3 liters of water and water no more than once a month.
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