Why good wives often attract bad men: a relationship expert says

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Sometimes even the most successful people make mistakes in marriage.

Some of the most successful and intelligent women end up in frustrating and even toxic relationships, which negatively impact their self-development and many other aspects of their lives. A relationship and love consultant sheds light on this unfortunate phenomenon, and her points are both intriguing and educational, writes YourTango.

Relationship and love coach Sharon Cohen says highly successful women often wear “love blinders.” When they fall in love with someone, there is a rush of chemicals in the brain that creates a rosy image of the partner, sometimes ignoring the warnings of friends and family, because these women are determined and goal-oriented in their careers. This approach, while effective at work, can lead to hasty decisions in your love life. Attraction can overshadow deeper issues of compatibility.

Their compassionate nature, which is an asset in a professional environment, can be a liability in personal relationships, Cohen says. This leads them to overlook red flags and focus on the potential they see in their partners. The desire for success that drives their career also means they hold on to relationships longer than is practical, unwilling to admit mistakes.

Cohen argue that boredom from routine forces these women to look for edgy, often extraordinary partners. This can lead to attraction to those who live outside social norms, sometimes to the detriment of emotional health.

In order to avoid such abusive relationships, she recommends following a few simple rules:

  • Self-love comes first: Acknowledging and prioritizing your own feelings and well-being is very important. Successful women need to listen to their emotions to distinguish between genuine intimacy and mere infatuation.
  • Observation rather than Action: Stepping back to understand your partner’s true nature and intentions is vital. Rushing into emotional commitments without such clarity can lead to inconsistency.
  • Embrace reality, not potential: Research advises against falling in love with someone’s potential. Accepting your partner for who he is now is the key to a healthy relationship.
  • Effective Communication: By sharing your feelings and observing your partner’s reactions, you can learn a lot about their emotional intelligence and empathy.

These tips and phenomena highlight the need for further study of the psychological patterns that determine the choice of relationships. They also emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence for personal relationships, not just professional success. Cohen highlighted the paradox of success—how the very traits that make women successful professionally can be detrimental in their personal lives.

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