What you can’t give for the New Year 2024: The Green Wood Dragon won’t like it

Photo: from open sources

What is better not to give in the year of the Green Wooden Dragon so that it does not get angry, how to appease this creature

Next year, the year of the Green Wood Dragon, according to astrologers, should be easier than in previous years, despite the threatening appearance of this mythical creature.

New Year’s holidays are a time when we expect a miracle and give gifts to loved ones. In order to appease the Dragon and not push away luck, it is important to know what it is better not to give to your loved ones this year.

What cannot be given for the New Year 2024

Dragons are complex mythical creatures, which, unlike the signs of the Chinese astrological calendar, do not exist in real nature; they love treasures, luxury and wealth. Therefore, try not to give things made with your own hands – handmade gifts. This may anger the symbol of the year.

  • Refuse such banal gifts as hygiene items – shampoos, soap, as well as gifts with a strong smell, such as perfume. The mythical creature will definitely not like this.
  • Do not give gifts that have anything to do with fire, even an image of it. The fire element belongs only to the Dragon, and he will not tolerate anyone encroaching on it.
  • In China, they believe that in the Year of the Dragon you cannot give any watch – wrist, wall, table. It is believed that such a gift can hasten death in the Year of the Dragon.
  • It is believed that the symbol likes bright colors, so try not to give gifts in dark shades, especially black.

The best gift in the year of the Green Dragon is considered to be something made of wood – this is not only furniture, but also decorations. The Green Dragon will also like a variety of luxury items. But if they are not there, the Dragon will positively perceive such gifts as indoor plants, dishes, books, kitchen items, especially if they are green.

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