What will happen to your body if you drink wine every day

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Is it deceptive to say that a little wine every day is good and even “healthy”?

Many people know the statement that daily consumption of wine not only cannot harm, but can even be “useful” in some cases.

One glass of wine at night is not an uncommon way to relax, and in some countries they drink wine for lunch or dinner every day, and do not see anything wrong with it. Eat This, Not That! looked into the possible benefits and negative consequences of drinking wine.

Recent studies have shown that the myth about the “benefits of wine”, which some doctors emphasize, is in some ways misleading.

What is the “moderate” rate of alcohol consumption?

In the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, nutritionists have identified the following constant: Moderate drinking means two or fewer drinks per day for men and one or fewer drinks per day for women. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that “excessive drinking” is defined as 8 or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more drinks per week for men. “Exceeding these limits is much more likely to cause more harm than good,” the CDC says.

Essentially, the effects of drinking wine depend on how much you drink. If you drink wine in moderation, but daily, the following changes are possible in your body:

The body gets used to alcohol

Regardless of what type of alcohol you choose, regular consumption will increase your body’s tolerance to this “poison.” That is, over time, it may happen that the expected “relaxation” from wine no longer comes after one glass. You will have to drink more, and this, in turn, increases the destructive effects of alcohol on the nerve cells of the brain. No matter how much you drink, this process is inevitable, but its strength is proportional to the amount of alcohol you consume. Physically, this manifests itself in the so-called state of intoxication, when the body does not have time to respond to brain signals.

Alcohol may increase the risk of certain types of cancer

Alcohol is said to be on a “scary” list of foods that can increase the risk of certain types of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, there is a strong consensus among scientists on this matter. They say moderate alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of developing cancers of the head, neck, esophagus, liver, breast and colon. Even people who drink no more than one glass per day may increase this risk. This is a pretty strong argument in favor of giving up the habit of drinking wine frequently.

Wine can both increase and decrease stress levels

The desire to get rid of stress and forget about something “bad” is not a rare reason why a person reaches for a glass of wine. Sometimes this works, especially with red wine. Scientists have found that this drink contains resveratrol, a compound that can block enzymes in the brain that cause anxiety and depression. If you enjoy an evening glass of wine over a meaningful conversation with your spouse or friend, so much the better. Social interaction is a proven method of reducing stress.

At the same time, other studies have shown that excessive consumption of wine or any other alcohol increases cortisol levels in the body. This is the so-called stress hormone. Therefore, constantly drinking wine in the hope of forgetting about your own problems is the wrong path. It is better to turn to psychologists or loved ones.

Wine is not a dietary product; it can easily make you fat

Sometimes wine producers do not indicate the calorie content of this drink on the label or write it in small letters. But even a small glass of wine (about 150 ml) has about 120-125 calories. If you don’t take this into account and drink wine thoughtlessly, you can get fat very easily.

Is wine a “friend” for the heart?

Drinking wine in moderation can lead to improved heart health! A 2023 study found that moderate alcohol consumption reduced stress signaling in the amygdala, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. This is not an isolated opinion. Earlier studies also led scientists to say that moderate consumption of red wine may be beneficial for the heart.

Your blood pressure may increase

At the same time, there is also a negative side to drinking wine every day. If you don’t drink in moderation, you may experience blood pressure spikes. According to the American Heart Association, drinking too much wine every day can lead to serious cardiovascular risks such as high blood pressure and stroke.

That is, if you still cannot give up wine forever, adhere to the main rule – “moderation”.

What happens to the brain if you don’t drink alcohol for 7 months?

The scientific journal ScienceAlert published a study on what happens to a person’s brain if he says “stop” to drinking any alcohol for 7.3 months. The corresponding experiment was conducted by a team of scientists led by psychiatrist and behaviorist Timothy Durazzo from Stanford University.

It turned out that the brain can restore its structure after damage caused by alcohol.

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