What to do with the kutya left after Holy Evening

Photo: from open sources

Kutia that has not stood on the table all night on Holy Eve can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Kutia on Holy Eve is the central dish of the festive table. She also has a ritual mission – it is with her that the treat begins. Since 12 dishes are prepared for the holiday, it often happens that kutya is not eaten completely.

RBC-Ukraine talks about what can and cannot be done with kutya.

What to do with the kutya left after Holy Evening

Our ancestors believed that at Holy Evening the souls of deceased relatives came to visit the living. All 12 dishes must be left on the table overnight. The next day you can eat all of them, except kutya.

You shouldn’t throw it away either, because it symbolizes respect for the dead. It is usually fed to chickens or given to other domestic animals. People believed that this way they would be healthier.

If you don’t have a farm, dogs or cats, then you can take the kutya out to homeless animals or give it to birds.

Kutia that did not sit on the table all night on Holy Eve can be stored for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. It all depends on the ingredients you added. But it’s still better to eat it after two days. Also, sometimes the remaining kutya is mixed into the dough and shortcakes are baked. But it’s worth considering that there are so many dishes at Christmas, whether this baking would be appropriate is up to you to decide.

If, during preparation, the cereal for kutya is burnt and unfit for consumption, then it can be thrown away and this will not be considered a sin.

All the other 11 dishes from the Holy Evening do not have the same sacred power and ritual significance as kutia, so if they spoil, they can simply be thrown away.

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