What all zodiac signs need to do before the New Year: forecast of a famous astrologer

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There is still time to do something very important and necessary – however, you need to hurry.

There is only a little time left until the end of the year; before we know it, the New Year, 2024, will begin. But there is still time to do something very important and necessary – however, you need to hurry.

Astropsychologist Valentina Wittrock talks about what representatives of all zodiac signs need to do before the New Year.


For Aries, whose zone of distant travels is activated, the stars recommend having time to travel to distant foreign countries – both for professional and personal reasons. In any case, these trips will be successful


Taurus needs to think about how to present themselves from the best side professionally – it is very important to make a good impression on their superiors and employees, and further career growth will depend on this.


For Gemini, the stars recommend devoting the end of the year to what is commonly called a touch of beauty – this is a favorable time for visiting theaters, museums and exhibition halls, and besides, at the beginning of the new year – due to the workload – there will be no time for this.


Cancers need to tighten up all their existing “tails”, and this concerns not only professional, but also everyday, as well as personal issues – it is necessary to clear the field for new things, of which there will be no shortage in the first months of 2024.

a lion

The stars advise Leo to focus on their personal life, it is at this time that important, literally fateful events can happen in it, otherwise they will not subsequently regret the opportunities to find happiness lost forever.


Virgos simply need to do something that will bring them not only real benefit, but also pleasure – to put their soul into decorating their own home. Moreover, in this case we are talking not only about pre-New Year’s troubles, but also about more serious things – for example, repairs.


Libra needs to have time to meet in person with old, good friends: whom they have not seen for a long time – after the New Year they may well leave, far away and for a long time, so a personal meeting will be impossible, and a sincere conversation over the Internet will not work.


Scorpios who want to charm someone should take advantage of the energies of the finale of the year – right now they will have double the charm and magnetism that can attract even the most demanding and demanding gentleman.


It is advisable for Sagittarius to bring to fruition a previously started creative project, which they have recently completely abandoned – in this case, they will be able not only to make good money, which is very important on the eve of the holidays, but also to receive a new – even more profitable – order.


Capricorns urgently need to take care of their physical fitness – go to the gym, adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, spend more time in the fresh air: it is advisable to celebrate the New Year rejuvenated and refreshed, then things will go smoothly.


Aquarians, who are characterized by negligence and carelessness, need to put things in order in the remaining time in the documents: sort them, throwing out those that have lost their relevance – only in this way will they be able to subsequently find exactly the paper they need.


It is important for Pisces to show everything they are capable of, demonstrating their talents and abilities to their immediate management, then in just a month and a half – at the beginning of the new year – they will be able to count on the position that all their colleagues, without exception, dream of.

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