To make it very tasty: how to properly cook fried potatoes in a frying pan

Photo: from open sources

Everyone loves fried potatoes, but to cook them right, you need to follow some rules.

Fried in a frying pan is considered the simplest, even “bachelor” dish. But it doesn’t always turn out perfect. Either the crust is not crispy enough, or the inside of the potato turns out to be damp. But there are rules for frying, and if you follow them, the potatoes will come out perfect.

Perfect frying pan

You can fry potatoes in any pan. But it works best in a cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom, which will properly distribute the heat.

If you don’t have a cast iron skillet, choose one with a thicker bottom and choose a larger skillet so that you fry the potatoes instead of sautéing them.

What is the best way to fry potatoes?

Fat can be different, and it affects the taste. When in doubt, choose refined vegetable oil. It is neutral and will definitely not spoil the potatoes. You can add a little unrefined sunflower oil for flavor, it will add flavor.

It is better not to use pure butter, but mixing it with vegetable oil is a good idea.

The classic home recipe often uses lard. It is melted down to cracklings, which are then also added to the potatoes.

Important: there must be a lot of any fat, and it must be heated to a very high temperature.

Perfect potato

It is very important to buy potatoes of the exact variety that are intended specifically for frying. Or universal. The starch content is about 20% – such potatoes are considered universal. When boiled, it may crumble slightly; it is also not very suitable for the ideal consistency of puree. But these potatoes are ideal for baking. It is also suitable for frying. Typically, all-purpose potato varieties have yellow centers and skins.

You can understand what kind of variety you have in front of you using a simple experiment: cut a tuber and rub the halves together. If you see drops of water, it is a low starch variety. If the pieces stick together, the potatoes are starchy.

How to cut potatoes

You can cut potatoes for frying into circles or cubes. The main thing is to cut the same pieces so that they cook the same.

Peeled and sliced ​​potatoes should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water to remove any starchy juice from the surface of the slices.

Then you need to dry the potatoes – just put them in a colander and leave for about ten minutes, shaking them occasionally.

How to cook potatoes

Place the prepared potato slices in a frying pan with heated oil. Do not put too much; ideally, the layer of potatoes should not exceed two centimeters. Stir immediately and leave it alone, uncovered, until a crust forms on the bottom.

Stir the potatoes with a spatula and leave for another three minutes. If you like your potatoes softer, cover the pan with a lid, but if you like them drier, do not cover them. When a crust has formed on the other side, salt the potatoes, stir one last time, and after a minute, place on plates.

What can you add to fried potatoes?

You can add onions, garlic and mushrooms to fried potatoes. They should not be added immediately, but after the second mixing. Moreover, it is better to fry the mushrooms first. And it’s better to do it separately.

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