Tips to help save your favorite clothes from pilling

Photo: from open sources

It would seem that this is such a small thing that it is almost impossible for others to notice, but this is not entirely true.

Each of us has at least once encountered such a problem as pilling on clothes, especially on sweaters or favorite trousers. And this phenomenon, of course, spoils the appearance and impression of people about you.

RBC-Ukraine talks about how to save your favorite things from pellets with a link to the Telegram channel of stylist Elise Gan “Kishenkovy Stylist”.

How do pills affect your image?

It would seem that this is such a small thing that it is almost impossible for others to notice, but this is not entirely true. Pellets are a real enemy that acts as a destructive force for any style. And there can be many reasons, so you should love and care about your clothes no less than about equipment, for example.

  • Reason one: they add uncleanliness to any item or image, even if they are socks that no one sees.
  • Reason two: it is difficult to trust a sloppy person and be confident in his responsibility if the usual care of things is difficult. Thus, you may question your reputation.
  • Reason three: the mere thought that your item is not in order will undermine your confidence.
  • Reason four: we all know that a lack of confidence manifests itself not only in determination, but also in the feeling of oneself in general.
  • Reason five: every respectable woman always takes care of her appearance and will not show disrespect to herself in the form of pills on her clothes.
  • Reason six: clean things are the key to a beautiful and attractive appearance. Image and style are manifested not only in beautiful things, but also well-groomed ones, ready to see the world at any moment.

If you treat your belongings and your wardrobe with respect and care, your items will not only help support your personal style, but will also serve faithfully for a long time and you will happily be able to enjoy your favorite clothes and their good condition for many years.

How to get rid of pilling on your favorite clothes

  1. Inspect your wardrobe at least once a season. Look through each item and remove those that have lost their presentability.
  2. You can get rid of the pellets yourself; for this you need to take a special scraper or machine. You can also send the item for dry cleaning or restoration.
  3. if your item cannot be restored, it is better to purchase another one as a replacement, or choose a similar model. The main thing is not to leave something that spoils your image just because it is your favorite blouse.
  4. choose things from quality materials. This way you will significantly extend the life of your clothing.
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