These 5 types of garbage should absolutely not be vacuumed: you will “kill” your equipment

Photo: from open sources

Few people know that not all types of dirt can be vacuumed.

A vacuum cleaner is a convenient and affordable type of equipment that is found in almost every home. With its help, you can clean more efficiently and quickly, but not everyone knows what can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and what cannot.

What not to vacuum

Cleaning experts say it’s a no-brainer to vacuum your floors if they’re contaminated with certain types of debris. Remember the list so you don’t have to take your equipment for repairs.


The simplest answer to the question of why you shouldn’t vacuum your hair is this: if you regularly remove hair from the carpet or floor with a vacuum cleaner, sooner or later it will get wrapped around the brush. As a result, this will lead to a decrease in suction power, but a loud monotonous hum will appear. The vacuum cleaner will either work worse or even burn out.

The best thing you can do with hair on the floor is to collect it with your hands or a broom, and it is advisable to clean the carpet with a wet brush.


Don’t even think about whether you can vacuum your coffee – definitely not, especially if your equipment does not have the function of vacuuming wet debris or liquids. Such cleaning will lead to clogging of the tube and filter, and coffee grounds, getting inside, will moisten all other debris. As a result, it will rot and become moldy, which will lead to equipment failure.

If you spill coffee or coffee grounds, pick them up with a sponge (rag) or remove them with a washing vacuum cleaner.


Neither glass nor ceramic remains can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. If you don’t know whether you can vacuum glass with a vacuum cleaner, consider why you shouldn’t do it. Tiny pieces of such material will definitely get stuck in the tube, and if the vacuum cleaner has a bag, then there too (and glass and ceramics can even tear the bag).

Is it possible to vacuum glass? Yes, of course, if you are planning to buy new equipment. Otherwise, it is better to sweep up the remains of the broken dishes, and then blot the floor with a damp cloth – small ceramic and glass chips will “stick” to it.

Earth, plants

Remember whether you can vacuum up soil if you brought it from the street on your shoes or knocked over a flower pot. It seems like a great idea to quickly vacuum it all up, but no. If the soil is wet, then it will “work” just like the coffee grounds we wrote about above. Moreover, by vacuuming the carpet in this way, you will almost certainly leave traces of soil on it. The ideal option is to clean the flooring with a broom, collect all debris in a dustpan and throw away.

Small items

Any coins, paper clips, pins, glitter and other small objects should absolutely not be removed with a vacuum cleaner. If they prick, they can puncture the vacuum cleaner tube or damage the brush, and also get stuck somewhere inside the equipment and cause a characteristic knocking noise during operation. In addition, such small objects, if they get into the motor, will definitely damage the vacuum cleaner – you will have to buy a new one.

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