The expert named nine signs of psychological exhaustion

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It’s normal to experience daily stress and anxiety, but over time, chronic stress can take a toll on your health

Birmingham-based psychologist Lalita Suglani shared in an Instagram post what signs indicate you’re on the verge of psychological exhaustion.

Dr. Suglani explained what burnout is and how it differs from the everyday stress that most people experience. Emotional exhaustion is caused by a long period of constant stress.

Our perception of stressful situations is very individual, and what may cause stress for one person may be quite tolerable for another. But we can still identify nine fairly universal signs that you have already gone beyond everyday stress and are on the verge of psychological exhaustion. Here they are:

  • everything you do seems forced;
  • you voluntarily isolate yourself by pushing people away;
  • you don’t feel satisfied with anything;
  • you have difficulty concentrating or concentrating;
  • you are often irritated;
  • you lack motivation and purpose and feel empty;
  • you suddenly start crying;
  • you feel depressed and/or anxious;
  • You are impatient with others and may lack compassion.

According to Dr. Suglani, emotional exhaustion is one of the signs of burnout. However, emotional exhaustion does not mean that burnout is inevitable. Small changes to daily habits can help manage symptoms and prevent burnout. In addition, you can always contact a psychologist who will provide you with qualified assistance.

“Emotional exhaustion, feelings of hopelessness and a lack of purpose in life can be overwhelming – it’s never too late to seek help,” says Dr.

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