Sun-dried tomatoes: secrets of home cooking

Photo: from open sources

We tell you how to wilt tomatoes at home.

Dried or, as they are also called, sun-dried tomatoes fell in love with domestic gourmets not so long ago. Thanks to their unusual spicy taste, they are now added to dishes and eaten as a snack.



  • tomatoes – 1 kg
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • oil – 200-300 mg
  • rosemary, oregano, basil, thyme, parsley, dill – to taste
  • black pepper (ground), salt to taste


  1. Select small (preferably “plum-shaped”) ripe tomatoes with dense flesh. Try to take those that have ripened in the sun and not in a greenhouse, since such tomatoes will then be more fragrant. Red tomatoes look more appetizing.
  2. Keep in mind that from 15-20 kg of ripe vegetables only 1-2 kg of dried vegetables are obtained.
  3. Wash and dry the tomatoes thoroughly. Tomatoes that are round in shape and large in size are best cut into thick rings, while small ones will dry well and look cut in half or quarters.
  4. Remove seeds, membranes and stalks. The peel can be removed or left – it’s a matter of taste. Peelless tomatoes will wilt faster. But with it they retain their shape better and taste more piquant.
  5. Cut all the fruits into halves or transverse rings.
  6. Dry the chopped tomatoes thoroughly on all sides. There are also recipes with preliminary pickling of tomatoes (a matter of taste).
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment and arrange the tomato pieces tightly on it.
  8. Season each piece with salt, pepper, seasonings and oil.
  9. Place the baking sheet with tomatoes in the oven, preheated to 60-100°C, for 5-8 hours.
  10. Monitor the condition of the sun-dried tomatoes and adjust the temperature as necessary to prevent them from burning.
  11. Ready tomatoes should be slightly moist and not dry (bendable, but not broken).
  12. Remove the sun-dried tomatoes from the oven and cool.
  13. Pour a few tablespoons of oil into a small glass jar. Add some dry spices and thinly sliced ​​garlic.
  14. Fill the jar 1/3 full with tomatoes, pour oil over them, add spices and garlic. Repeat, alternating these layers until you fill the entire jar.
  15. Lightly compact the tomatoes in the jar and pour in oil until it completely covers them. This way you can store sun-dried tomatoes longer.
  16. Close the jar with a tight lid and place it in a dark, cool place for a week. The tomatoes should be steeped, soaked in oil and the aroma of spices. If possible, leave the tomatoes to sit for as long as possible. This will only make them tastier.
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