St. Anne’s Day: the main prohibitions of the holiday, traditions and the strongest prayer

Photo: from open sources

Find out the main features, traditions and prohibitions of today

On December 9, according to the new church calendar, Christians honor the memory of St. Anne and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the old style, George the Victorious was honored on this day.

Read about what you can and cannot do, and who to congratulate on their name day, in the RBC-Ukraine article.

history of the holiday

Saint Anne was the mother of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, Anna came from the family of King David, she was distinguished by her piety and mercy towards the poor. For a long time she and her husband Joachim did not have children; at that time it was a shame. The couple stubbornly prayed to God to send them a child.

One day an angel appeared before Anna and told her the good news that she was carrying her first-born son under her heart. After this, the woman hurried to Jerusalem to thank God. There she met her husband, who also had a similar vision. The following year, on September 9, the couple gave birth to Saint Mary, who later became the mother of Jesus Christ.

Among the people on this day, many signs were associated with pregnant women. It was believed that everything the expectant mother did during the day would affect her child. If a woman fans the fire, a red mark will appear on the baby. And if she sews and her threads get tangled, the child will be wrapped in an umbilical cord.

Signs of the day

  • if today the weather is bright and sunny, then on New Year there will be frost, and next year there will be a good harvest
  • frost on the trees – there will be a thaw
  • what the weather will be like on this day before noon, this will be the case until the end of December
  • if it rains, expect cold weather in spring
  • windless and quiet day – next year there will be a good fruit harvest

What not to do today

  1. Pregnant women should not eat meat or fatty foods on this day.
  2. do any work, light a fire
  3. You should not leave the house unless necessary. In ancient times they believed that in the evenings wild animals gather in packs and attack people
  4. women are not allowed to sew, knit or do any handicrafts

Angel Day is celebrated today by: Vladimir, Vasily, Alexander, Stepan, Anna, Efrosinya.

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