Reliable family man: the best husbands by zodiac sign

Photo: from open sources

A man born under each of these signs is a reliable partner who will never betray

Astrologers talked about the zodiac signs of men who are exemplary family men. A man born under each of these signs is a reliable partner who will never betray, an attentive and gentle lover and a best friend who does not need to explain anything. Astrologer OLGA STELLA spoke about the best husbands according to their zodiac sign for the Focus publication.


An honorable place in the list of the best husbands goes to Capricorn – a man whom you should definitely marry if you are lucky enough to meet him. True, first you will have to kill a dozen or two competitors, because Capricorn is just a walking set of male virtues: smart, good-looking, honest, charming and kind. He has only one drawback: Capricorn categorically does not want to get married. Never ever. But if he did it, consider that you now have your own personal superhero. Man-Stability.


The Virgo husband is also one of the best candidates for the role of head of the family. Smart, good-looking and well-mannered. He makes good money, cooks great, doesn’t shy away from a vacuum cleaner, and is the best at raising babies. A Virgo husband is a reliable partner who will never betray, an attentive and gentle lover and a best friend who does not need to explain anything.

a lion

Patron husband. Leos usually marry rare beauties. He takes care of his wife like a child, pampers her with gifts, carries her in her arms and takes her by the hand to places where for some reason she doesn’t want to go. Marrying a Leo is like being adopted, only with all the benefits due to a legal wife. True, for this you will have to tirelessly admire Leo. If Leo is not praised in time, he withers like a flower without water.

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