Psychologist told how to maintain passion in a long-term relationship

Photo: from open sources

It’s never too late to start working on your relationship.

At the beginning of a relationship, every couple has a passionate stage when you simply cannot enjoy each other. But over time, this passes and many couples are faced with disappearing interest.

RBC-Ukraine talks about what will help maintain passion in a relationship with reference to an Instagram video by psychologist Dmitry Ostapenko.

How to Keep Passion in a Long-Term Relationship

“The main principle I always talk about is: “Acts of love lead to feelings of love,” says the psychologist.

But it complements this theory with the fact that we cannot help but feel very in love at the moment and in great inspiration, but if we do the right loving actions, this will lead to a feeling of love.

“When we have been in a relationship for a certain time and understand that we are losing interest in our partner, then we must understand that we can leave everything as it is, it’s okay. But we need to understand that the same thing can happen in the next relationship. You can lose interest again over time, and again enter this circle again and again,” Vladislav expresses his professional opinion.

Therefore, according to the psychologist, when we lose interest in another person, we can consciously return him there. That is, you can begin to take an interest in this person on your own and do something for him, even if there is no strong inspiration.

Thus, acts of love will lead to the very feeling of love and attraction to your partner. After all, when we are in love, we want only the best for the person.

And if this model of behavior is returned after 15 years of marriage, then your woman or man will also begin to melt from this state and feeling of care.

“For men, unfortunately, in relationships when they have received all the family baggage, when they already have obligations at work, and something needs to be done in the family, and the woman wants something from him, expects romance. And thus her men often hide their reluctance to work on relationships behind being busy, that is, roughly speaking, they forget about romance and care, and meanwhile the woman loses respect and the feeling that she is needed and there is a desire to separate,” says the psychologist.

But as soon as someone on his side gets involved correctly and begins to build relationships correctly, then the feeling and passion can be returned and the situation can be changed. Therefore, it is never too late to start working on your relationship.

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