Mobile routers: how to choose a device

Illustration / Photo: from open sources

The operating principle of a mobile router is based on picking up a signal by an LTE modem and gaining access to the Internet.

Compact portable devices that can provide access to the Internet anywhere where there is coverage from a mobile operator – that’s what mobile routers are. Even in remote areas where the Internet previously did not reach, it is now possible to obtain high data transfer speeds.

There is no need to run cables or install relay equipment; all you need to do is purchase a mobile router, connect a SIM card from a mobile operator and use high-speed Internet. The mobile router in its compact case combines such important functions and elements as a modem, LTE technology with 4G support and a Wi-Fi module.

How a mobile router works

The portable device is easy to carry and connect to the desired location. The operating principle of a mobile router is based on picking up a signal by an LTE modem and gaining access to the Internet. The wireless module distributes this signal to all devices connected to this network within a certain radius.

mobile router

Advantages of a mobile router:

  • compactness;
  • little weight;
  • built-in battery for several hours of battery life;
  • high data transfer speed.

Often the device has a port for connecting to an external antenna to significantly improve signal quality. The mobile device is easy to carry with you and connect to the Internet within the coverage area of ​​the mobile operator.

The development of LTE technology and the emergence of 4G modems have greatly improved access to the Internet. Now you don’t need to lay cables everywhere and install expensive equipment. You can always take mobile Internet with you in the form of a portable and compact router.

Differences from a stationary device

Stationary routers are much larger in size. They are connected to the mains, that is, they work from an outlet. True, some models can be supplied in parallel with a battery. The advantage of stationary models is their ability to provide greater coverage. For an apartment, house or office, it is better to install a stationary router with a larger signal distribution area, to which 10 different gadgets can connect.

Stationary devices are equipped with a large number of ports: up to 4 LAN sockets, where a TV, PC, external antenna and other devices can be connected. On the case there are indicators of all parameters: signal level, port operation, and other activities.

Which router to choose depends on the place where it will be used, the tasks assigned to the device, and the importance of autonomy. Equipment for any purpose is presented in a wide range on the GOODOK website at reasonable prices.

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