It destroys our liver: what to eat and what to avoid

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Everything you need to know to keep your liver healthy.

As they often say, we are what we eat. Therefore, it is important to consciously approach your daily diet so that the body and all internal organs work properly. Our liver suffers the most from an unbalanced and unhealthy diet. Since its main function is detoxification and participation in metabolism, therefore every effort must be made to keep this organ healthy. What needs to be excluded from the diet, and what to add, so that the liver smoothly converts harmful compounds into useful ones for our body – read on.

Signs that your liver is sick

  • You feel tired in the morning, and it doesn’t depend on how much you slept.
  • Intermittent rash on face and back.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Frequent headache.
  • Skin pigmentation.
  • Allergic reactions.

What harms the liver?

  1. Alcohol. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause damage to your health because fat accumulates in the liver. This organ helps “break down” alcoholic drinks, and its excessive consumption causes the liver to work beyond its capacity. You should also not drink alcoholic drinks with soda, this only complicates the work of the liver.
  2. Chips, crackers and crackers. Scientists have proven that excessive salt consumption has a negative effect on liver function. Also, snacks with refined carbohydrates, corn syrup, and high fructose overload the internal organ. Therefore, these are poor options for both snacking and regular consumption.
  3. Red meat and sausages. Excessive consumption of fried, smoked or salted meats is harmful to the liver because these foods are high in saturated fat. You should not overuse sausages; if you want to eat a tasty and healthy sandwich, it is better to make it from turkey or tuna meat.
  4. Sweet carbonated drinks. You should also not abuse carbonated drinks. Because too much sugar, artificial chemicals and flavorings are harmful to the liver.
  5. Fried foods. This is fast food, semi-finished products, fried fatty homemade food – such foods should be consumed in limited quantities or completely excluded from the diet. Because a high content of fat and salt has a detrimental effect on the internal organ.

What foods should you eat for liver health?

A balanced diet is necessary for the proper functioning of the liver. You should include vegetables in your daily diet – cabbage, red beets, radishes, turnips and radishes. You also need to eat greens – all types of salads, fruits, berries, nuts and legumes. Your daily diet should include foods rich in fiber, eggs, lean poultry, sea fish and caviar.

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