If you don’t have enough space in the garden: an interesting method of planting zucchini

Photo: from open sources

This method is quite interesting and simple.

If you don’t have much space in your garden, you can try growing zucchini in a bag. This method is quite interesting and simple.

Any bags of root vegetables, sugar, or even fairly thick garbage bags will work for this growing method.

First, you need to pour mowed grass, tops from the garden, apple or potato peels and other organic residues into the bottom of the bag. You need to fill 1/3 with organic matter. Then add sand mixed with garden or compost soil.

Don’t fill the bags to the very brim. A layer of 50 cm is enough for plants to develop. If the bag is too large, its edges can be turned outward so as not to interfere.

Once you have prepared the bag, make small holes in the bottom of it. They are needed so that excess moisture is removed and the roots of the future plant do not rot.

Next, plant 1-2 zucchini seeds in one bag. As soon as the seedlings grow and begin to grow intensively, it is important to mulch the ground with grass.

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