How to recognize a liar very quickly: main behavioral patterns

Photo: from open sources

If you want to understand whether a person is a liar or not, pay attention to how he tells stories, the expert advised.

People have different negative habits, one of the worst, probably, is the habit of lying. A person’s deceit can be revealed by certain behavioral patterns, the main ones named by the HackSpirit portal. According to his information, in particular, the fact that a person is lying may be evidenced by inconsistent behavior.

The author warned that liars are capable of very subtly changing history, and the interlocutor may even doubt his memory.

What other signs are there of a person lying?

  • people can describe the same story differently – stories can be very different from each other;
  • an overabundance of details in the story, including very specific ones;
  • liars avoid answering questions directly;
  • there is a contradiction between what they say and how their emotions are physically expressed. For example, a person can tell a story with a smile, but the eyes will not “smile”;
  • Liars may often say phrases like “you can trust me,” “believe me.”

In addition, a person’s voice can reveal a deceitful person – the volume or tone may suddenly change.

“I’ve noticed that when people try to lie, their voices can suddenly become louder, as if they are trying to make their point more convincingly to compensate for the lie,” the author shared.

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