How to choose sweet, ripe, tart persimmons and not make a mistake

Photo: from open sources

How to determine the ripeness of a persimmon, why persimmons are tart, what is the difference between persimmon, kinglet and sharon.

Persimmon – this is how we usually call different varieties of persimmon: traditional persimmon, kinglet and sharon – different in appearance, just like different varieties of apples.

What is the difference between persimmon, kinglet and sharon?

The persimmon has a sharp tip and an orange, rich color and is soft to the touch. The kinglet is dark orange in color, with brown flesh. Sharon is typically large, more apple- or quince-like, and bright orange in color with a shiny, glossy skin. Only persimmon has a tart taste, but kinglet and sharon do not.

How to choose ripe persimmons

  • To select ripe and sweet persimmons, choose round or flattened fruits.
  • Rate the color. The ripe fruit should be a rich red-orange color. If the persimmon in front of you is light orange in color, then most likely it is not ripe.
  • Touch the persimmon. Very hard fruits are most likely underripe, but too soft fruits that spread in your hands are overripe, although very sweet. It is ideal when, when pressed, you feel like you are slightly squeezing the persimmon.
  • Amniotic persimmon leaves will help you find ripe fruits. They must be dry. You will see a brown tint under the leaves.
  • The basic rule is that if the persimmon is ripe, it will be soft, and therefore sweet. Hard fruit will be tart.

While sharon and king can be both tough and sweet at the same time. When choosing a sharon and a king, it is very desirable that the color of all fruits be rich. It is believed that a kinglet with a larger diameter nose is sweeter.

What to do if you choose an unripe, tart persimmon

If the persimmon turns out to be tart and not very sweet, place it in the freezer for a while. Then it will become softer, sweeter, and the astringency will disappear.

To ripen persimmons, place them in a bag and keep them for several days at normal room temperature. Ethylene, which is actively released by apples and bananas, can speed up the ripening process. Therefore, if you put a ripe apple or banana in a bag of persimmons, the ripening process will speed up.

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