How many steps do you need to take to lose 1 kg?

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How much and how to walk to lose weight.

Daily physical activity has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system, and has a positive effect on mood. The simplest and most universal way of physical activity is walking.

A common belief is that you need to take 10,000 steps every day. How many steps should you take per day to stay healthy? How long do you need to walk to lose weight?

How many steps a day should you take to lose weight?

Daily walking is physical activity, so it improves metabolism, accelerates the rate of fat burning, and helps reduce weight. But you need to remember that walking alone will not help you lose weight. Regular walks should be supplemented by energy deficit and adequate hydration of the body.

How many steps you need to take daily to lose weight is an individual question, it depends on the body and, of course, the higher the level of activity, the greater the benefits. You should pay attention not only to the quantity, but also to the duration and intensity of walking.

How many steps do you need to take to lose 1 kg of weight?

The process of weight loss depends on gender, age and physical fitness and type of walking. The rate of fat burning depends on the speed of walking, the type of walking, for example, walking with poles or walking uphill, can have different effects on weight loss processes.

It is believed that one step burns 0.04 kcal, which seems like a little. But with 10,000 steps you can lose 400-500 kcal, which sounds much better. This is how many calories a full serving of food contains. And if you take 10,000 steps every day for a week, you can burn 2,800-3,500 kcal, which is quite a lot.

Experts have calculated that in order to lose one kg of weight, you need to lose approximately 7,000 kcal. That is, to lose a kilogram of body weight, you need to take 10,000 steps every day for 2 weeks. Or, to speed up this process, you can take 20,000 steps every day for a week.

It sounds a little boring, but focus on the process, not the goal. Also remember to eat a healthy and balanced diet so that you don’t consume more calories than you expend. Walking 20,000 steps every day while eating fast food won’t help you lose weight.

How many kilometers do you need to walk every day to lose 1 kg?

10,000 steps equals how many kilometers? The specific value depends on the length of the steps; it is believed that women, taking 5,000 steps, cover a distance of approximately 3 km, and men – 3.75 km. Thus, 10,000 steps is 6 km for women and 7.5 km for men – this is how much women and men need to walk daily for 2 weeks to reduce weight by 1 kg.

How to motivate yourself to walk

How to walk more, how to motivate yourself to walk?

  • When leaving for work or returning home, try to walk up the stairs rather than take the elevator.
  • Use your car less – if possible, try to walk to work rather than taking a car or public transport. When going for small purchases, also give up your car and walk. If you must drive, park further away from the entrance, leave your car at the end of the parking lot, and walk to your chosen store.
  • If you often talk on the phone at home or at work, instead of spending this time at your desk or on the couch, start walking around the office, hallway, and rooms.
  • Start tracking the number of steps you take – nothing motivates like numbers. Buy a pedometer or download a special application to your phone. Set a goal for the number of steps you want to take and try to beat your previous record every day. work in this direction.
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