How chronic lack of sleep affects the body

Photo: from open sources

The norm for an adult to sleep is 7-9 hours a day at night.

Scientists from Columbia University have found that lack of sleep provokes an oxidative process that leads to tissue damage. From this, various inflammations can develop. What scientists managed to find out is reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing the results of a study published in the journal Nature.

The norm for an adult to sleep is 7-9 hours a day at night. In this case, it is advisable to fall asleep before 23:00 -24:00 hours and wake up at 07:00-09:00 in the morning. But many people sleep five to six hours a night instead. Scientists have found that even a slight lack of sleep can affect vascular health.

And if sleep deprivation becomes chronic and lasts 5-6 weeks in a row, endothelial cells (the walls of blood vessels) are filled with oxidizing agents.

At the same time, cells that have not received enough rest are unable to launch antioxidant reactions to stop this process. And only healthy, full sleep can stop the oxidation process.

Due to inflammation of the endothelium, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, including hypertension, stroke, and cardiosclerosis.

Moreover, lack of sleep is more dangerous for women than for men. They have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to lack of sleep than men.

During the study, an experiment was conducted in which thousands of women participated. During the first phase of the experiment, they went to bed according to their usual routine. In the second phase, we fell asleep 1.5 hours later than usual. Each participant’s sleep was tracked using a tracker.

In the blood of the experiment participants, scientists found reduced expression of the endothelial DCUN1D3 protein, which helps stop oxidation.

This means that a negative process really occurs when there is a lack of sleep. Therefore, failure to comply with the norm can lead to serious deterioration in health and inflammation.

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