Houseplants that don’t need a lot of light

Photo: from open sources

What house plants love shade?

In any apartment there are places where the sun’s rays do not reach, where there is little light throughout the year. These are, for example, northern window sills, bookshelves, bathrooms and more. For such places you need indoor plants that grow well in the shade and do not like sunlight.

Typically, such shade-loving plants differ in appearance. If you compare them to others, their leaves are massive and have rich colors.

Here are examples of popular indoor plants that can be grown in the shade. But remember, there are no completely shade-tolerant houseplants, they all need partial light, shade-loving ones simply need less.

Decorative foliage indoor plants that do not need much light

  • Aglaonema. The plant does not need constant care, the main thing is to keep it warm. Red aglaonema or with pink, scarlet, beet inclusions looks interesting. If the tips of the leaves change color, it is time to water the plant.
  • Maranta. The unique color of the leaf blade is characterized by distinct spots and veins.
  • Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue”. These indoor flowers, which require virtually no light, have long become popular due to the beauty of the long, variegated leaves growing straight from the root. They have many popular names and, under favorable conditions, bloom in early spring.

Palm plants that don’t need light

  1. Ficus elastica. This tropical plant tolerates dark conditions well, since sun rays can cause burns on the delicate leaves. The main thing in care is not to overdo it with watering.
  2. Dracaeno. These are shade-loving indoor plants that do not need bright sunlight. Maintenance is simple, the main thing is to maintain air humidity and prevent water from stagnating when watering.
  3. Monstera grows well in the shade, but loves high humidity. It must be watered with settled water and the leaves regularly sprayed with warm water.

Shade-loving plants also include hanging indoor plants. They look unusual in hanging flowerpots, boxes and flowerpots. These are plants such as ivy, green-leaf syngonium, epipremnum, tradescantia.

Flowering indoor plants that don’t need bright daylight

There are certain flowering houseplants that don’t need a lot of light and like partial shade. They need light to bloom, but bright rays are destructive; they grow well on northern, eastern and western windowsills.

Among such plants are begonia, fuchsia, saintpaulia or violet.

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