December 14: why today is “the darkest day of the year” and what you absolutely should not do

Photo: from open sources

Find out the main features, traditions and prohibitions of today

On December 14, Orthodox Christians in Ukraine remember the martyrs Apollonius, Theotichos and Arian. People call the holiday Phillimon’s day.

Read about what you can and absolutely cannot do, and who to congratulate on their name day.

The main traditions of this day

It is believed that this day is ideal for cleaning the house, but it is better not to go outside.

This day is considered one of the darkest days of the year. The people believed that an evil spirit was walking around Phillimon, that it could penetrate into houses, but bypassed dwellings in which there was cleanliness and order.

Another way to ward off evil spirits is to wash your face more often. Water is a sacred remedy that evil spirits fear.

If you still need to leave the house, then you cannot go out into the street unwashed, otherwise you will invite trouble on yourself. Also, before starting any task, you need to sprinkle yourself with water.

On this day you need to drink cow’s milk – it heals diseases.

Signs December 14

  • Warm weather on this day foreshadows a warm summer.
  • Frost fell at night – expect snow during the day.
  • If it is frosty and windy, then next year there will be a good harvest.
  • The weather changes during the day – towards a thaw.
  • The wind blows in one direction, and the clouds fly in the other, then soon it will be cloudy and snowing.

What not to do on this day

Leaving the house without washing your face and leaving the house in disarray.

It is also not recommended to go outside at all. It is believed that at this time all kinds of evil spirits walk the earth.

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