Church holiday November 19: what you need to do today to protect your home from misfortune

Photo: from open sources

Find out the main features, traditions and prohibitions of today

On November 19, the church, according to the new calendar, celebrates the day of remembrance of the holy prophet Obadiah. Read about what you can and cannot do, and who to congratulate on their name day.

history of the holiday

Obadiah was from the village of Betharama, near Mount Ephraim. He was a housekeeper for the Israeli king Ahab, but then left the royal service and followed the prophet Elijah the Tishbite. Over time, Obadiah also developed the gift of prophecy.

The book of the prophet Obadiah is included in the Old Testament biblical writing. It consists of one chapter. In it, the prophet predicted the death of Edom and the pagan nations.

After the death of the prophet, he was buried next to his ancestors in Samaria.

Our ancestors believed that Obadiah contributed to family well-being and household management. On this day, Ukrainians knocked the butt of an ax on window frames and door frames to protect their home from wickedness.

Signs of the day

  • if it snows and a strong wind blows, the winter will be long and the spring will be cold
  • a clear sky foreshadows frost, and a dim sky foretells a thaw
  • a lot of snow with deep drifts – there will be a generous harvest next year
  • if the wind suddenly changes direction – expect bad weather
  • the cat is hiding under the blanket – it will be colder

What not to do today

  1. sort out relationships with loved ones, as well as meet with enemies
  2. ask for help
  3. leaving the house without any particular need – the ancestors believed that on this day evil spirits were rampant in the streets
  4. make large purchases and financial investments, otherwise you risk losing money
  5. drink alcohol because you can get into trouble

Angel Day is celebrated today:

Adrian, Valentin, Veniamin, Gennady, Gerasim, Grigory, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignat, Illarion, Konstantin, Leonid, Mikhail, Alexander, Peter, Porfiry, Semyon, Sergey, Timofey, Fedor, Yakov.

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