Church holiday December 8: what you must do to attract good luck

Photo: from open sources

Find out the main features, traditions and prohibitions of today

On December 8, Orthodox Christians in Ukraine honor the memory of the martyr Anfisa of Rome. Read about what you can and cannot do, and who to congratulate on their name day.

Traditions of this day

Anfisa of Rome is revered by the Orthodox Church as a martyr. The saint lived in Rome, she was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan. Anfisa refused the offer of the wife of the Roman mayor to accept Arianism (a heresy whose dogmas, in contrast to canonical Christianity, affirm inequality in the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) and was burned.

It was believed that girls should devote this day to working with their hands. It was on this day that preparations began for the wedding, which was celebrated the following year. The girls began to hide and embroider, depicting common diamond symbols that symbolized fertility. Our ancestors believed that such an ornament could bring happiness to the house.

On this day you need to pray to Anfisa of Rome, who helps you find strength during trials, resolve conflict situations with management, and protect your home from fires and other disasters.

Also on this day it was customary to wear a silk thread on the wrist. It was believed that it would help protect against negativity.

The main signs of this day

  • If the street is quiet and frosty on this day, then the winter will be mild and snowy.
  • If tits are looking for shelter, it means there will be a snowstorm
  • If there is a blizzard, it means there will be a lot of rain in the summer.
  • If tits are chirping early in the morning on this day, it means there will be frost at night.
  • If birds are hiding under the roof, then there will be a blizzard

What not to do on this day

  1. Today you can’t remember the past, cry or be sad.
  2. Also try not to quarrel or conflict with anyone, as an ill-wisher can put the evil eye on you.

Who celebrates Angel Day – Kirill, Victoria, Sergey, Anfisa.

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