Christmas star poinsettia: how to preserve your favorite home flower for many years

Photo: from open sources

Nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit quite like the poinsettia, also known as the Christmas Star, at least in the plant world.

Poinsettias are one of the most popular holiday plants in the world, with millions of people giving colorful flowerpots to each other at Christmas.

Poinsettias are very popular in winter due to their dark green leaves and large, bright red bracts (the leaves around the flowers). Nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit quite like the poinsettia, also known as the Christmas Star, at least in the plant world.

Many of us will soon be purchasing poinsettias to bring into our homes or to give to someone for Christmas and New Years. But this flower can delight you not only on New Year’s holidays. An expert shared tips with on how to care for these Christmas plants.

As beautiful as poinsettias are, they can be difficult to maintain. They are sensitive to temperature fluctuations and will quickly begin to wilt if kept in a cold room or in a draft.

When purchasing you should look for ones that have been stored indoors as if they are exposed outdoors in temperatures below 13C they are likely to wilt quickly. According to the expert, even a quick walk from the store to the car is enough to harm the plant if it is too cold outside.

If you plan to keep your planter until next Christmas, here’s what you need to know:

  • Poinsettias naturally shed their leaves in January or February;
  • Poinsettias also enjoy plenty of bright daylight;
  • prune the plant to encourage lateral growth;
  • it is very important to avoid drafts and radiators;
  • Water the Christmas Star only when the top layer of soil becomes dry, but do not allow it to dry out completely;
  • yellowing or browning of leaves, as well as wilting in severe cases, indicates overwatering;
  • misting your plants can help increase humidity levels and also prevent overwatering.

If your poinsettia manages to survive the Christmas holiday, its chances of continuing to thrive increase.

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