Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what not to do on the holiday, signs

Photo: from open sources

Find out the main features, traditions and prohibitions of today

On December 26, Orthodox Christians celebrate the feast of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on this day honor the mother of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary. Read about what you can and absolutely cannot do, the signs of this day, in the material.

Traditions of this day

On the feast of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, other people are also venerated who were close to the Savior in the flesh (hence the name of the cathedral): St. Joseph the Betrothed and his son from his first marriage, James (brother of Jesus), King David.

Among the people, the holiday was called Babi porridge and Babi holiday, and was perceived as women’s day, when housewives themselves organized caroling, visited midwives, and treated each other to porridge specially prepared for such an occasion. Particular attention today is paid to women in labor and all families who are waiting for the birth of a child.

Also today in churches and homes it is customary to light candles for the repose, order a memorial service and remember deceased relatives.

Traditions and prohibitions on the feast of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • According to beliefs, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women and their husbands to work on this day, otherwise the child that is born may have physical disabilities.
  • On January 8, other housewives and girls are also not allowed to do housework, wash or sew.
  • Cooking jelly and eating it was considered a very bad omen – for the deceased.
  • Another strict prohibition concerned the purchase of rope or other products made from it – otherwise it threatened the death of a family member.
  • In order for the child to grow up quickly and be beautiful and successful, he was raised above his head.
  • To protect your home from harm and misfortune, it was customary to take out all broken dishes and other unnecessary rubbish. Also, to attract wealth, it was necessary to provide a hearty and generous treat to the carolers who would come to the house today.

The main signs of this day

  1. If there is a blizzard and severe frost today, then summer promises to be cold and stormy;
  2. If it is a sunny and clear day, then there will be a good millet harvest.
  3. When flocks of crows circle overhead in the sky, this foreshadowed an imminent blizzard;
  4. If tits chirp loudly, then you should expect night frosts, but if a chaffinch sings, then there will be a thaw soon;
  5. If the sky is red after sunset, get ready for severe frosts.
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