Bread will never go stale if you store it this way

Photo: from open sources

To do this, you don’t need to buy special dishes or spend money on a bread box.

It’s no secret that bread can quickly become stale and even become moldy. But there is a life hack that allows you to store flour products for a very long time. To do this, you don’t need to buy special dishes or spend money on a bread box.

Where to store bread, says the Daily Express.

Bread will not go stale for weeks

Eating habits expert Sophie Trueman said bread is one of the foods that is on the table in almost every home. But it often happens that a loaf or palyanitsa quickly spoils. And then people throw away stale bread.

To avoid wasting money, you should start storing bread correctly. Then you will be able to eat all the bread, because it will not become stale or moldy. To do this, place the loaf in a fabric bag. The expert calls this method the best way to store bread.

What to add to the bag so that the bread does not go stale for as long as possible

If you have dry air at home, flour products in the bag can still go stale. Therefore, the expert advises adding a piece of potato there as well. It will prevent the bread from quickly turning into crackers.

“Remember, if the bread is fresh, do not store it in an airtight bag as it will not be able to breathe. Storing it in a bread basket or cloth bag, as mentioned, to allow it to cool at room temperature is always the best option,” she added. specialist.

If there is a lot of bread, some can be frozen. Cut the loaf or other flour product and place it in an airtight bag or container. Before eating, you just need to defrost the bread in the oven or microwave.

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