An effective remedy for soot on a frying pan: the dirt will come off on its own in a few minutes

Photo: from open sources

This method is not only effective, but completely safe for the frying pan.

Has a thick layer of soot appeared on your favorite pot or frying pan? Try this unexpected remedy that can be found in every kitchen.

You should not rush and use chemicals that can damage the surface of the dishes. Take regular starch. Everyone definitely has this component in their kitchen.

How to clean black carbon from an old frying pan

The scheme for using starch to clean a frying pan is quite simple. First you need to prepare the solution. To do this, take the levels of the proportion of starch and water. You should have a thick consistency similar to toothpaste.

Apply the paste to the surface of the pans that need to be cleaned. Try to distribute the product evenly and be sure to cover all problem areas.

Leave the pan with the pasta for 30-60 minutes. The product began to act if the starch had already dried.

Take a soft brush or sponge and gently wipe off all the paste from the surface. You will notice that all the fat, dirt and carbon deposits come off with it. Don’t forget to rinse the dishes in clean water.

This method is not only effective, but completely safe for the frying pan. After it there are no scratches or other damage left on the surface.

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