A new weight loss method, 30-30-30, is becoming wildly popular around the world. What is it?

Photo: from open sources

Machowski acknowledges that psychological factors may play a role in the 30-30-30 rule.

A new weight loss method called 30-30-30 has become very popular in the world. Its advantages are that it helps you lose weight quickly and lower your blood sugar levels. This was reported by Today.

What is the new method of losing weight?

The method involves a person consuming 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up, immediately before completing a 30-minute low-intensity workout. This coincides with the results of a new study, which found that the two-hour window between 7 and 9 am is the ideal time to exercise to lose weight.

The author of the 30-30-30 method is Tim Ferriss, he wrote the book “The 4-Hour Body.”

Mayo Clinic nutritionist Schmidt is not very happy with this method and recommends adding other foods to your breakfast in addition to protein, such as fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and even carbohydrates.

This doesn’t mean that the 30-30-30 rule doesn’t have any benefits, especially if it helps a person be more active.

“If you’re not doing any exercise and now do 30 minutes a day of low-intensity cardio, it’s better than nothing,” said nutritionist Jason Machowski.

“This method doesn’t seem harmful, but it’s not universal,” he added, noting that to lose weight you should simply focus on the number of calories you burn.

Machowski acknowledges that psychological factors may play a role in the 30-30-30 rule.

“Some people find that morning exercise makes them more mindful of their food choices for the rest of the day, so this can have a positive ripple effect,” he explained.

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