5 Things You Shouldn’t Keep Under the Kitchen Sink: Get Them Out

Photo: from open sources

Not all items are meant to be stored in this location.

Having storage space under your kitchen sink can be incredibly useful for keeping everything you need. But not all items are meant to be stored in this place. This is reported by the Eating Well website.

Small household appliances

Moisture and electrical equipment don’t mix well. It can be corrosive and damage delicate electrical connections and create a hazard.

It is best to store small appliances in a closet. And if you don’t have space there, then shelves in the garage, basement or closet are also suitable.

Pet food

In conditions of high humidity, the delicacy may spoil. Dry food will become moldy and unfit for consumption. It is better to store it in airtight containers on a shelf in the pantry.

Dangerous or flammable items

It is unacceptable to keep solvents, polishes, paints and cleaning products under the sink, which can cause a fire.

It is necessary to remove oily rags that are prone to fire from the closet. This will help avoid dangerous consequences.

Therefore, store them in a garage or basement, namely in cool and dry conditions, where they are accessible only to adults.

Paper towels and other products

Many people find that the space under the kitchen sink can be a great place to store paper towels or napkins. However, when pipes leak, they can be partially or completely damaged by water.

Light bulbs

Despite the fact that humidity is not too critical for light bulbs, due to their delicacy it is better not to keep such things under the sink.

Light bulbs in such places can be easily broken. Plus, tiny pieces under the sink will be very difficult to collect.

Keep them where you are unlikely to accidentally break them.

What can you store under the sink?

The housewife should always have the following things on hand:

  • waterproof mat on the bottom of the cabinet
  • Sink cleaners, dishwashing detergents
  • brushes, sponges, scrapers
  • fire extinguisher – it’s worth being on the safe side and having this item in the kitchen
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