10 Things Cats Do to Protect You and Their Home

Photo: from open sources

Believe it or not, cats can act as a natural weather warning system.

Your pet tiger is not only adorable, but also an experienced protector of you and your home territory.

Do you think your cat is just a cute furry animal sleeping in your home? This is not entirely true, because according to Jaw-Dropping Facts, they also fulfill this important role of protectors.

Patrolling at night

Cats that are restless at night and patrol the house often do so because they want to monitor their territory and ensure that intruders do not enter your property. Although it may seem like the cat is wandering around aimlessly, they are actually checking every corner to make sure everything is in order. While you lie peacefully in your bed, your home is under the care of your feline friend. Remember that in the wild, part of a cat’s daily routine is to circle its territory several times. They do this to spread their scent and find possible intruders.

Recognizing discomfort

Cats can tell when their owners are sad or anxious through auditory and visual observations. Cats are intuitive and observant, with keen senses, which allows them to read people’s emotional cues.

Marking behavior

Cats have a special way of communicating messages through smell. They mark their territory by leaving their scent in different places. Whether it’s rubbing your head against furniture, scratching trees, or splashing urine. Your cat is trying to tell you or other animals: “This territory is mine, stay away!”

Social Observations

Although many people think of cats as solitary animals, under the right circumstances they are very social. Your cat not only monitors her territory, but also monitors the social dynamics within it. For example, your cats may be wary of new people and watch them from a distance at first. This behavior allows them to assess whether a new person or animal might pose a potential threat. Once they feel safe, they can move on to establishing closer contact. However, until then they remain secret observers who know exactly what is happening on their territory.

They sleep with you

Have you ever wondered why your cat sleeps next to you at night? Many cats are well aware that they and their humans are vulnerable while they sleep. Sleeping nearby is one way to stay safe and protect yourself and yourself if a predator attacks at night.

Weather warning system

Believe it or not, cats can act as a natural weather warning system. They can learn about upcoming natural events such as earthquakes or hurricanes. This incredible ability is due to cats’ keen sense of hearing and smell, as well as their high sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure, which tends to drop before a thunderstorm. If your cat suddenly becomes restless, meows loudly, or tries to run away, it doesn’t hurt to look out the window or the weather forecast and take precautions if necessary.

Follows you everywhere

You may have noticed that your cat follows you around the house, especially when you use the toilet. While this behavior may be driven by curiosity and a desire to be involved in their human’s daily life, it is also a way for cats to ensure the safety of their owner and prevent any potential harm. This is why they want to monitor you when you do activities that might make you vulnerable (like going to the toilet or sleeping). So, the next time your cat follows you around, think of it as a furry guard keeping a close eye on your safety.

They protect your child

Cats are intelligent animals and have very strong maternal instincts. They are known to be kind and protective of their young, and many cats extend this behavior to small children whom they consider fragile, such as newborn humans. Various behaviors can be used to express this protective tendency, such as snuggling with the newborn, watching while the baby sleeps, or even hissing or hitting anyone who gets too close. There are many known cases where cats protected their people from dogs, other cats and even other people.

They kill your pests

Your cat also protects you by killing nearby pests (mice, cockroaches, rats or snakes). Of course, this is not only for you, it is also an instinctive hunting activity for cats. However, if they have formed a secure attachment to you, your cat will focus its hunting efforts on your shared territory as a protective measure.

They protect you from disease

When your cat licks you, it is her way of grooming you, helping you maintain hygiene and protecting you from illness. Cats also lick you to share their scent through saliva. This marks you as part of their family! This way, when you enter a house or room, they will feel that you are safe and trustworthy before they even see you. Of course, licking is also a cat’s way of expressing affection and love for you.

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